This is a common question that lingers in the head of every person looking to develop a website for their business. However, the question is quite vague in context. It’s almost like asking how much a phone would cost without deciding what features one is rooting for. Therefore, it’s mandatory to choose the features and requirements that best suit your cause before investing in a mobile phone. Similarly, when developing a website, it is compulsory to plot a layout that perfectly describes the purpose of the website is made.
The ‘numero uno’ step for venturing into a website development is to get an experienced advisor on board to help you in making calculated and profitable decisions. Now, we come to the other vital part, ‘How to decide the price?’ Well, the first thing is to find out just how much you are willing to pay for the work. Therefore, make a budget keeping your requirements in mind. Be certain about what you want the website to convey to its followers.
Here’s a little cost estimate card released by Jimdo that should give you a fair idea of what you need to be spending on.
‘But, how do I finalize a budget?’ you ask. Well, these are the things you must keep in mind while planning the cost:
- Time
- Design Skills
- Technical Skills
- Money
If you have all these skills within you, you are good to go. However, most people lack either one of the skills, therefore, it is advisable to hire professional help to create a swanky website. When you approach professional website developers, they will offer you several development packages with varied rates.
Ask yourself, “What is worth my money?” The catch lies in this question. If you possess either of the above-mentioned skills you can cut down on the cost of development by using a ‘drag and drop website builder’.
A drag and drop website builder is a fully managed platform that handles all the technical and design challenges of website creation. Using a fully-hosted website is widely recommended as it consumes less time, has solutions to all design related problems, there is no need to learn how to code, and mostly includes free templates, thus, reducing the cost. Extensively used drag and drop builders are, Weebly, Wix, and Squarespace.
Thus, if you are looking to develop a website for the first time or doesn’t have a high-flying budget then it’s advisable to go for one of the drag and drop builders. So, what you are waiting for? Find your compatible drag and drop mate and get set to go! If you have the juice to get a developer actively working on it, you can head over to freelancer and get a team under $20/hour to work for you.
Once you get the nitty gritties out of the way, you can focus on choosing a good web host like Hostgator or Godaddy to help you get started. Ideally, you should not be spending more than $25/year for web hosting and a domain name for your business.